Community ecology, Macroecology and Conservation
CoMaC group ended on December 31, 2023. This website will close soon. Most of the information it contains will be kept here: https://spav07.wixsite.com/sandrine-pavoine/comac-group
The Twitter/X count has been closed.

The CoMaC Group News
April, 2020. Being on teleworking since a month because of the pandemy, we have started to create a newsletter to share our news and keep connected. On November 30th 2020, we decided to move our newsletter to this website, starting a new blog on this page to give you more or less regularly some news of our group.
Some news of our group since the begining of the year:
Class of 2022-2023 of new PhDs: Mael Doré, Ludovic Crochart, Fabien Verniest. All have successfully defended their thesis. Congratulations !!!
Fabien now works as a postdoctoral researcher at Fondation Tour du valat, South France.
Have a look at the full list of our new publications here! This beginning of the year, young researchers of the group published two papers:
Verniest, F., I Le Viol, R Julliard, L Dami, A Guelmami, M Suet, W Abdou, ... (2023) Anticipating the effects of climate warming and natural habitat conversion on waterbird communities to address protection gaps. Biological Conservation 279, 109939 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.109939
Durand‐Bessart, C., N Cordeiro, C Chapman, K Abernethy, PM Forget, Fontaine C., Bretagnol, F. (2023) Trait‐matching and sampling effort shape the structure of the frugivory network in Afrotropical forests. New Phytologist 237, 1446-1462. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18619
So long. The beginning of this year was marked by the writing of a long report for the national evaluation of our research unit (CESCO) and on this occasion many reflections were done on the desired future structuring of our research unit. Following numerous inter-team meetings, it was decided not to structure the unit into teams or groups in the future. The organization of the unit should thus be modified soon with a management committee in particular for the management of the staff and animations to support a scientific dynamics for the unit. It is therefore planned that our CoMaC group will stop at the end of this year 2023. The head of CoMaC will keep on managing CoMaC until end of December and will ensure the transition to the new management committee in early 2024.
Past news
Here we save our past newsletter.
The CoMaC Group News
April, 2020. Being on teleworking since a month because of the pandemy, we have started to create a newsletter to share our news and keep connected. On November 30th 2020, we decided to move our newsletter to this website, starting a new blog on this page to give you more or less regularly some news of our group.
Fabien Verniest (PhD student)’s first article is now published online:
Fabien Verniest, Thomas Galewski, Romain Julliard, Anis Guelmami, Isabelle Le Viol. (2022) Coupling future climate and land-use projections reveals where to strengthen the protection of Mediterranean Key Biodiversity Areas. Conservation Science and Practices, e12807. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.12807
Congratulations Fabien!!
On October 28, Emmanuelle will be officially awarded (for year 2021) the research prize of the French Society of Ecology and Evolution.
Congratulations Emmanuelle!!
Several projects are ongoing on ecoacoustics:
Luc Barbaro coordinates a project on rural acoustic landscapes for the INRAE Biosefair metaprogram entitled "PARMENIDE" for rural acoustic mosaic landscapes and new Indicators of ecoacoustic diversity in three French regions (Occitania, Britany and Charente Maritime).
Luc also participates to project (ANR JCJC) "SpatialTreeP" that Thierry Feuillet (Univ. of Caen) coordinates on the changes of upper treelines in the Pyrenees (French mountains) since the 50's and their consequences on biodiversity, in particular acoustic and day butterflies. We will see below a photo of the study area for this project.
Kevin Barré is currently studing the behavioral responses of chiropterans to the installation of photovoltaic panels, in partnership with the LPO Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and more particularly Alice Baudouin (funding: the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône) (LPO-MNHN collaboration supervised by Christian Kerbiriou). Below you will see a photo of a manipulation Kevin Barré just finished last week at the edge of the Rhone River. The picture shows an example of a device composed of several synchronized microphones to reconstruct the positions and trajectories of bats in 3D.
Next to the photo, Kevin Barré shares below a graph of an example of trajectory resulting from this manipulation (for species Nyctalus leisleri). The orientation of the plot is identical to that of the photo. One sees the individual flying on the herbaceous alley from left to right then taking height to cross the panels.
Several new projects will soon start on pollination:
- From October 5 to 7 the 4th conference of the French Research Group on pollination (https://pollineco.org) took place at the museum. It was organized by two members of CoMaC group: Emmanuelle Porcher and Colin Fontaine.
- Emmanuelle will soon start a project also on pollination (ANR BeCreative " Co-design of pesticide-free territories") . This project will fund the fellowship of Thibault Gandara’s PhD student (co-supervisors Alice Michelot-Antalik and Antoine Gardarin, UMR Agronomie, project: measuring pollination on a territorial scale).
- In November, Emmanuelle will start a project with a French Bee Institute (ITSAP) on Floral resource databases for pollinators (with Mathilde Baude and Gabrielle Martin). This will fund Sarah Lemétayer’s position as mission leader.
Other project:
Emmanuelle and Colin will also start, at the end of the year, a new project on Impacts on biodiversity in the Anthropocene (PI: Wilfried Thuiller and Franziska Schrodt, funding: CESAB)
CoMaC PhD students at national and international conferences:
Poster session at ECCB 2022,
6th European Congress of
Conservation Biology
in Prague, Czech Republic,
for Clément Vallé
Ludovic Crochard's talk at Imaginecology in Lyon, France.
Photo taken on the occasion of Ludovic Crochard's talk at GDR Pollineco in Paris, France:
Morgane Amelot will start a 3 years thesis on November 1st. Subject: the functional and trophic dynamics, present and future of communities in the Celtic Sea. Supervisors: Maud Mouchet (CoMaC group), Marianne Robert & Dorothée Kopp (IFREMER, Lorient).
Thibault Gandara will start a 3 years thesis on December 1st on the measurement of
pollination in agricultural territories. Supervisors: Emmanuelle Porcher (CoMaC group), Alice Michelot-Antalik (LAE, Nancy), Antoine Gardarin (Agronomy, Paris Saclay).
Solène Agnoux will start in February or March 2023 a 3 years thesis on joint plant/pollinator changes in the face of global change. CIFRE financing with the Paris Region Institute (Regional Agency for Biodiversity), subject to the agreement of the ANRT. Supervisors: Emmanuelle Porcher (CoMaC group), Gabrielle Martin (EDB, University of Toulouse), Mathilde Baude (IEES-Paris).
List of some of our new recently-published or soon-to-be-published papers:
•Verniest F., Galewski T, Guelmani A., Julliard R., Le Viol I. 2022. Coupling future climate and land-use projections reveals where to strengthen the protection of Mediterranean Key Biodiversity Areas. Conservation Science and Practice.
•Barré K., Froidevaux J., Leroux C., Mariton L., Fritze M., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Roemer C. 2022. Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: a call for action. Conservation Science and Practice.
•Thibault M., Allonso-Aller E., Poisson P., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I. 2022. Reading the heterogeneity and spatial structuring of benthic habitats in macrophyte wracks. Ecological Indicators, 142, 109279. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X22007518
•Ricotta, C., Bacaro, G., Maccherini, S., Pavoine, S. (2022) Functional imbalance not functional evenness is the third component of community structure. Ecological Indicators. 140, 109035.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109035
Summer news:
Congratulations to Clémentine who defended her PhD in June!
New PhD students will arrive in September including:
Subject: Measuring pollination at the scale of agricultural territories. Supervisors: Alice Michelot-Antalik (LAE, Nany), Antoine Gardarin (Agronomie, Saclay) et Emmanuelle Porcher (CoMaC group)
Subject: Study of joint changes in flora and pollinators. Supervisors: Gabrielle Martin (Univ. Toulouse), Mathilde Baude (IEES, Paris) et Emmanuelle Porcher (CoMaC group)
News from the project Bat migration routes in Europe :
- 80 Audiomoths out of the 200 ordered have been received, they are bat ultrasound recorders. They will be distributed to partners in the following countries: Romania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Moldova, Belarus and Russia. This donation has been set up in order to allow these countries to join the project, because research and conservation of bats is more difficult there than elsewhere in Europe, often for financial reasons.
- The participation map has been updated: https://bat-migration-europe.netlify.app/project/participations/
Other News on projects
Colin Fontaine and Emmanuelle Porcher are now involved in a newly funded project by the French center for biodiversity synthesis and analysis. (PI: Wilfried Thuiller; Subject: French biodiversity in the Anthropocene - impacts and drivers of spatial and temporal response)
Look at our recent publications. Find a selected sample below:
Leroux, C., Kerbiriou, C., Viol, I. Le, Valet, N., & Barré, K. (2022). Distance to hedgerows drives local repulsion and attraction of wind turbines on bats: Implications for spatial siting. Journal of Applied Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14227
Duchenne, François; Porcher, Emmanuelle; Mihoub, Jean-Baptiste; Loïs, Grégoire; Fontaine, Colin. Controversy over the decline of arthropods: a matter of temporal baseline?. Peer Community Journal, Volume 2 (2022), article no. e33. doi : 10.24072/pcjournal.131. https://peercommunityjournal.org/articles/10.24072/pcjournal.131/
Ludovic Crochard, Romain Julliard, Sabrina Gaba, Vincent Bretagnolle, Mathilde Baude, Colin Fontaine, (2022) Weeds from non-flowering crops as potential contributors to oilseed rape pollination, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 336,
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2022) Trade-offs in the conservation of phylogenetically distinctive species. Biological Conservation 270, 109565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109565
Laurène Mérillet, who defended her PhD thesis at the end of 2020, was rewarded for her thesis work by the Roger Heim prize. Last year Kévin Barré (post-doc CoMaC) obtained this prize and this year it is the turn of Laurène Mérillet.
The Roger Heim Prize has been awarded each year since 2017 to a PhD student or young doctor who has recently defended his or her thesis. The jury is composed for half of scientific personalities of the MNHN and for half of members of the board of directors of the Société des Amis du Muséum.
Congratulations to Laurène and to all CoMaC PhD students for their excellent work!
Olivier Billaud successfully defended his thesis last week. Congratulations dr. Billaud!!
Olivier Billaud, who will soon defend his PhD thesis, has been invited at the symposium of the Entomological Society of America (Entomology2021) to talk about citizen sciences. His talk title is "Citizen science for farmers: A dual tool allowing the monitoring of farmland biodiversity and the impacts of practices, but also a driver for change?" Congratulations Olivier !!
We welcome today Martin Thibault as a new post-doctoral researcher in our group. He will work on the potential for the composition of the shore, where lies driftlines of decomposing seaweed and other debris, to serve as an indicator of coastal habitat quality. For that he will describe the relationships between the composition of the shore and the diversity of coastal habitats, biogeography or the ecological status of coastal areas.
You will find some of our new publications below:
Barré, K., Vernet, A., Azam, C., Le Viol, I., Dumont, A., Deana, T., Vincent, S., Challéat, S., Kerbiriou,C. (2022). Landscape composition drives the impacts of artificial light at night on insectivorous bats, Environmental Pollution, 292, 118394, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118394.
Van der Meersch, V., Billaud, O., San Cristobal, M. , Vialatte, A., Porcher, E. (2021). Landscape floral resources provided by rapeseed correlate with next-year reproduction of cavity-nesting pollinators in a national participatory monitoring program. Landscape Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-021-01353-0
Challéat, S.*, Barré, K.*, Laforge, A., Lapostolle, D., Franchomme, M., Sirami,C., Le Viol, I., Milian, J. and Kerbiriou,C. (2021). Grasping darkness: the dark ecological network as a social-ecological framework to limit the impacts of light pollution on biodiversity. Ecology and Society, 26(1): 15. (* Samuel Challéat & Kévin Barré share the first co-authorship of this article)
is published in the newsletter of Science for Environment Policy (communication body of the European Commission)
The direct link to the pdf : https://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/569na2_en-1317_grasping-darkness_the-dark-ecological-network_v2.pdf
Congratulations Kévin, Samuel, Isabelle and all co-authors !!
Laurène Merillet, former PhD student in CoMaC and now in post-doc in Norway has been nominated for the prize for the first scientific publication of a thesis created by the Fondation de la mer in partnership with the Institut de l'Océan (two French sea institutes). Look at the article here (in French). Congratulations Laurène!!
On Friday, Melina Cairo will have a new position in CoMaC. She will start a doctorate on avian biodiversity and population trends in vineyards asking "What are the impacts of farming practices and pesticide contamination on avian populations?"
Supervisors: F Angelier (CEBC) and C Fontaine and E Porcher (CoMaC group)
Congratulations Milena!!
Look at our new articles accepted for publication (contact us for more information)
Roemer, C., Julien, J. F., & Bas, Y. An automatic classifier of bat sonotypes around the world. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Ricotta, C., Kosman, E., Caccianiga, M., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Pavoine, S. (2021) On two dissimilarity-based measures of functional beta diversity. Ecological Informatics. In press
Since October 1st, we welcome Romain Arnold for a 6 months internship. Romain is doing both a Master's degree in Edinburgh in marine ecology and a French engineering school. He will work on the biodiversity of mangroves in French Guyana.
Olivier, a doctoral student at CoMaC, has finished the manuscript of his thesis and is now waiting for the referees' report. The defense is scheduled for December 2nd.
Look at our new articles accepted for publication (contact us for more information)
Laforge A., Archaux F., Coulon A., Sirami C., Froidevaux J., Gouix N., Ladet S., Martin H., Barré K., Roemer C., Claireau F., Kerbiriou C., Barbaro L. (2021) Landscape composition and life-history traits influence bat movement and space use: Analysis of 30 years of published telemetry data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press.
Barnagaud, J.-Y., Mossion, R., Brockerhoff, E.G., Dufour, P., Pavoine, S., Deconchat, M., Barbaro, L. (2021) Trait-habitat associations explain novel bird assemblages mixing native and alien species across New-Zealand landscapes. Diversity and Distributions. In press.
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2021) On the relationships between rarity, uniqueness, distinctiveness, originality and functional/phylogenetic diversity. Biological Conservation. In press.
As the new academic year has just started, we share here some fresh news of our team.
Charlotte Roemer shares news on her project of Bat migration routes in Europe with the creation of a new website that can be viewed here: https://bat-migration-europe.netlify.app/. To subscribe to the newsletter of this project just click here: https://bat-migration-europe.netlify.app/newsletter/
Milena Cairo, who is a project manager in the CoMaC group will soon start a PhD contract still in our group.
Emmanuelle Porcher was awarded the Research Prize of the French Society of Ecology in August (article in french : https://www.sfecologie.org/2021/08/01/grand-prix-prix-recherche-sfe2-2020-2/).
Sandrine Pavoine, head of CoMaC, has been awarded a position of full professor of the French Museum of Natural History. She will start on October 1st and will work part time at CESCO (the Centre of Ecology and Conservation Sciences that hosts CoMaC) and part time at the French Biodiversity Data Centre.
Look at some of our new publications:
Danet, A., Mouchet, M., Bonnaffé, W., Thébault, E.& Fontaine, C. (2021) Species richness and food-web structure jointly drive community biomass and its temporal stability in fish communities. Ecology Letters, 00, 1– 14. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13857
Duchenne F, Fontaine, C, Teulière, E, Thébault, E. (2021) Phenological traits foster persistence of mutualistic networks by promoting facilitation. Ecology Letters. 24, 2088-2099. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13836
Here is the last, short CoMaC newsletter of the academic year to inform you of a new publication by members of our group:
Please follow this link https://rdcu.be/cnSej to read a recently published paper written by a consortium of researchers including Elie Gaget (former CoMaC PhD student) and Fabien Verniest (current CoMaC PhD student). By following the link https://rdcu.be/cnSej you will learn about their Gap analysis of the Ramsar site network fifty years after the establishment of the Ramsar Convention; a study that revealed over 150 important Mediterranean sites for wintering waterbirds that have so far been omitted ".
We wish you all a nice July-August time
and see you on this blog in September
for news about our group.
See below, some new publications by members of our group:
Raatikainen KJ, Purhonen J, Pohjanmies T, Peura M, Nieminen E, Mustajärvi L, Helle I, … Froidevaux JSP,… J Ziemacki. (2021) Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers. Conservation Science and Practice, In press. doi: 10.1002/csp2.493
Marine Robuchon, Sandrine Pavoine, Simon Véron, Giacomo Delli, Daniel P. Faith, Andrea Mandrici, Roseli Pellens, Grégoire Dubois & Boris Leroy (2021) Revisiting species and areas of interest for conserving global mammalian phylogenetic diversity. Nature Communications, 12, 3694.
Published Article here : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23861-y
Alain Danet and Karine Princé both ended their post-doctoral position in April. Karine is now self-employed contractor (see her website for some news https://sites.google.com/site/karineprince/home).
Welcome Eva ! Eva Saison is working with Charlotte Roemer as an intern for two months. She will work with her on the European project "Bat migration routes in Europe". You can find more information on the project on the following link: https://croemer3.wixsite.com/teamchiro/bat-migration-europe?lang=fr
Eva works on the collaborative part of the project. She contacts potential collaborators to enquire about data sharing. She also organizes a webinar to promote the project which will take place on the 29th of July.
See below, some new publications by members of our group :
Constance Blary, Christian Kerbiriou, Isabelle Le Viol, Kévin Barré (2021)
Assessing the importance of field margins for bat species and communities in intensive agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,
Volume 319, 107494.
Julie Pauwels, Isabelle Le Viol, Yves Bas, Nicolas Valet, Christian Kerbiriou (2021) Adapting street lighting to limit light pollution’s impacts on bats. Global ecology and conservation, 28, e01648.
Bonnaffé, W., Danet, A., Legendre, S. and Edeline, E. (2021),
Comparison of size-structured and species-level trophic networks reveals antagonistic effects of temperature on vertical trophic diversity at the population and species level.
Oikos. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08173
Elie Gaget won a prize of Conservation Biology. Congratulations Elie !!! His manuscript entitled "Antagonistic Effect of Natural Habitat Conversion on Community Adjustment to Climate Warming in Nonbreeding Waterbirds" that he wrote with Thomas Galewski, Frédéric Jiguet, Anis Guelmami, Christian Perennou, Coralie Beltrame, and Isabelle Le Viol, has won third place in Conservation Biology ‘Rising Star’ award. The Rising Star award considers all student led papers published in Conservation Biology in 2020. This award is judged by a group of Senior Editors and aims to recognize outstanding student researchers and communicators.
Luc Barbaro and Jeremy Froidevaux start this week, their field work for the monitoring of nesting birds (780 listening points) throughout the canton of Aurignac in Haute Garonne, France, in the LTSER Pyrénées Garonne Workshop Zone. The monitoring started in 1981 - i.e. 40 years of monitoring. The dynamic mapping of listening points can be viewed here (start of monitoring next week) https://www.dynafor.fr/campagne-oiseaux-2021
Look also at these new publications by CoMaC members:
Froidevaux J.S.P., Barbaro L., Vinet O., Larrieu L., Bas Y., Molina J., Calatayud F., Brin A. 2021 Bat responses to changes in forest composition and prey abundance depend on landscape matrix and stand structure. Scientific Reports, in press.
Barbaro L., Assandri G., Brambilla M., Castagneyrol B., Froidevaux J.S.P., Giffard B., Pithon J., Puig-Montserrat X., Torre I., Calatayud F., Gaüzère P., Guenser J., Macià-Valverde F.X., Mary S., Raison L., Sirami C., Rusch A. 2021 Organic management and landscape heterogeneity combine to sustain multifunctional bird communities in European vineyards. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13885
Merillet, L., Pavoine, S., Kopp, D., Robert, M., Mouchet, M. (2021) Biomass of slow life history species increases as local bottom trawl effort decreases in the Celtic Sea. Journal of Environmental Management, in press.
Ricotta, C., Pavoine, S., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Pillar, V.D. (2021) A new method for indicator species analysis in the framework of multivariate analysis of variance. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, e13013. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13013
Swan, C.M., Brown, B., Borowy, D., Cavender-Bares, J., Jeliazkov, A., Knapp, S., Lososová, Z., Padullés Cubino, J., Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C., Sol, D. (2021) A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems. Ecosphere. In press.
This year 9 undergraduate students joined our research group for a training period:
Lucie Barbier, Master (Febuary - July)
Amal Chantoufi, Master (March 1st - August 31st)
Théo Delauney (AgroParisTech, January - March)
Lysandre Journiac, Ecole Polytechnique (March 22nd - August 31st)
Lisa Le Moller, Master (March 1st - April 23th)
Martha MacCall, Master (April - May)
Anna Marcout, Master (January 25th - June 30th)
André de Sousa Rodrigues, Master (March - April)
Tom Terbrüggen, Master (February - August)
Thank you all for the great work you are doing despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic!
We are pleased to announce that
2 postdoctoral researchers have just joined the group for the next 18 months: - Alexis Laforge https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexis-Laforge joined the group for the next 18 months. Alexis will work on the effects of alternative management of vegetation in forest rights-of-way and electricity transmission network substations on biodiversity. - Charlotte Roemer joined the goup for the next 2 years. Charlotte will study spatial and temporal planning of the installation and operation of wind turbines for the identification of areas of least impact for bats. More information on their research projects will be soon added to the website on page "People".
Kévin Barré started a new postdoctoral fellowship of about 3 years in our CoMaC group. Kévin will analyze the effects of wind turbines on bats.
Charlotte and Kévin are also part of the Chiro Team. See the website of the team for more information https://croemer3.wixsite.com/teamchiro?lang=fr
Look also at these new publications by CoMaC members:
Challéat, S., Barré, K., Laforge, A., Lapostolle, D., Franchomme, M., Sirami, C., ... & Kerbiriou, C. (2021). Grasping darkness: the dark ecological network as a social-ecological framework to limit the impacts of light pollution on biodiversity. Ecology and Society, 26(1), 15.
Duchenne, F., Martin, G., Porcher, E. (2021) European plants lagging behind climate change pay a climatic debt in the North, but are favoured in the South. Ecology Letters, in press. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ele.13730
Fontaine, C., Fontaine, B., & Prévot, A. C. (2021). Do amateurs and citizen science fill the gaps left by scientists?. Current Opinion in Insect Science. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214574521000274
Giavi, S., Fontaine, C., & Knop, E. (2021). Impact of artificial light at night on diurnal plant-pollinator interactions. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7966740/
See our new post-doctoral position offer on page "New position offer".
Today, Alain Danet shares with us pictures from field work:
Have a look at our recent publications:
Ricotta, C., Kosman, E., Laroche, F., Pavoine, S. (2021) Beta redundancy for functional ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Accepted for publication.
Ricotta, Szeidl, Pavoine Towards a unifying framework for diversity and dissimilarity coefficients. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.23.427893v1
Today, Kévin Barré shares his soon-to-be-published papers. To have a look at the first one, click on the reference below:
For reading the second following paper, please click on the reference below or contact Kevin at kevin.barre AT mnhn.fr
Take a look also at his webpage http://kevin-barre.com/ for a full descrption of his research and also for a gallery of amazing, magnificent wildlife photographs
We have a new group member Jérémy Froidevaux. Welcome Jérémy !
Jérémy is a post-doctoral researcher supervised by Isabelle Le Viol (CoMaC group) and Christian Kerbiriou (CORPO group, CESCO). His research project is on modelling bat activity at the regional scale to predict areas of potential conflict with wind energy development.
We wish you all a happy New Year !
Take a look at our new accepted papers:
Doré, M., Fontaine, C., & Thébault, E. (2021). Relative effects of anthropogenic pressures, climate, and sampling design on the structure of pollination networks at the global scale. Global Change Biology. In press. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15474
Dubos N., Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F., Barbaro L., Barré K., Claireau F., Froidevaux J., Le Viol I., Lorrillière R., Roemer C., Verfaillie F., Bas Y. (2021). Going beyond species richness and abundance: robustness of community specialisation measures in short acoustic surveys. Biodiversity and Conservation, in press.
Valdés-Correcher E., Moreira X., Augusto L., Barbaro L., Bouget C., Bouriaud O., Branco M. et al. (2021). Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press.
We wish you all a Happy New Year.
- Dr. Maud Mouchet successfully defended her HDR (French diploma attesting for abilities to supervise PhD students) last week. Congratulations Maud!
- Dr. Kévin Barré represented the CoMaC team and the CESCO at a French competition on biodiversity research organized by the French biodiversity research federation and the French laboratory of innovative land and territorial initiatives. He was attributed the first prize of category "Biodiversity responses to anthropic drivers"
See videos (in French)
Congratulations Kévin!!!
- The head of the group, Dr. Sandrine Pavoine, has become editor for Mathematics.
Maud Mouchet will defend her HDR (French diploma attesting for abilities to supervise PhD students) next Wednesday the 9th December at 2pm (Paris time).
Maud will talk about a functional ecology of communities in the service of conservation.
Jury panel: Elena Kazakou (Pr. at SupAgro), Bruno Locatelli (Researcher at CIRAD), Sébastien Duperron (Pr MNHN), Nadia Améziane (Pr. MNHN), Eric Thiébaut (Pr. Sorbonne Univ.)
Karine Princé's new paper has just been published and is open access on line:
Princé, K., P. Rouveyrol, V. Pellissier, J. Touroult, and F. Jiguet. 2021. Long-term effectiveness of Natura 2000 network to protect biodiversity: a hint of optimism for common birds. Biological Conservation, 11:108871. Full Text.
Short summary: In this study recently published in Biological Conservation, Karine Princé and her collaborators were interested in the effect of the network of protected areas Natura 2000 on the temporal trends of common birds - for the most part not targeted by the two "nature" Directives. The results show that the populations of common birds are doing a little better within the Natura 2000 network, in particular the species dependent on agricultural environments, but that it does not prevent their decline. There is still room for progress for the protected areas to fully fulfill their role, particularly in terms of improving agricultural practices.
Laurène Mérillet has defended her PhD thesis on November 20th 2020 and François Duchenne on November 25th 2020. Now we can proudly call them dr. Mérillet and dr. Duchenne! They will both soon start a post-doctoral fellowship. Laurene will work at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen in Norway with Morten Skogen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen and Frode Vikebø (3-year fellowship); and François will work in Zurich, Switzerland, with Catherine Graham's research group.
Congratulations François and Laurène for your excellent work !
Don't hesitate to look at Laurene's and François' papers that were both published in Global Change Biology:
See page Publications for a full list of their past publications.