Community ecology, Macroecology and Conservation
CoMaC group ended on December 31, 2023. This website will close soon. Most of the information it contains will be kept here:
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Our publications since 2017

Albert-Daviaud, A., McConkey, K.R., Jha, N., Fontaine, C., Kitamura, S., Nathalang, A. et al. (2023) Threatened species are disproportionately important interactors in a seed dispersal network in Southeast Asia. Integrative Conservation, 1, 25– 39.
Barré, K., Froidevaux, J.S., Sotillo, A., Roemer, C., & Kerbiriou, C. (2023). Drivers of bat activity at wind turbines advocate for mitigating bat exposure using multicriteria algorithm-based curtailment. Science of The Total Environment, 161404.
Barré, K., Thomas, I., Le Viol, I., Spoelstra, K. and Kerbiriou, C. (2023), Manipulating spectra of artificial light affects movement patterns of bats along ecological corridors. Anim. Conserv..
Baulaz Y, Mouchet MA, Niquil N & Lasram F (2023) An integrated conceptual model to characterize the effects of offshore wind farms on ecosystem services. Ecosystem services. In press
Behr, O., Barré, K., Bontadina, F., Brinkmann, R., Dietz, M., Disca, T., ... & Nagy, M. Standardised and referenced acoustic monitoring reliably estimates bat fatalities at wind turbines: comments on ‘Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats’. Mammal Review
Chatelain, P., Elias, M., Fontaine, C., Villemant, C., Dajoz, I. and Perrard, A. (2023), Müllerian mimicry among bees and wasps: a review of current knowledge and future avenues of research. Biol Rev.
Doré, M., Willmott, K., Lavergne, S., Chazot, N., Freitas, A.V.L., Fontaine, C. et al. (2023) Mutualistic interactions shape global spatial congruence and climatic niche evolution in Neotropical mimetic butterflies. Ecology Letters, 26, 843– 857. Available from:
Durand‐Bessart, C., N Cordeiro, C Chapman, K Abernethy, PM Forget, Fontaine C., Bretagnol, F. (2023) Trait‐matching and sampling effort shape the structure of the frugivory network in Afrotropical forests. New Phytologist 237, 1446-1462.
Evans, L. C., Melero, Y., Schmucki, R., Boersch-Supan, P. H., Brotons, L., Fontaine, C., Jiguet, F., Kuussaari, M., Massimino, D., Robinson, R. A., Roy, D. B., Schweiger, O., Settele, J., Stefanescu, C., van Turnhout, C. A. M., & Oliver, T. H. (2023). Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche-based approach. Global Change Biology, 29, 3271– 3284.
Froidevaux, J.S.P., Toshkova, N., Barbaro, L. et al. (2023) A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Sci Data 10, 253 (2023).
Gaget, E., Galewski, T., Brommer, J.E., Le Viol, I., Jiguet, F., Baccetti, N., Langendoen, T., Molina, B., Moniz, F., Moussy, C., Zenatello, M. and Guillemain, M. (2023), Habitat management favouring hunted waterbird species prevents distribution changes in response to climate warming. Anim. Conserv..
Lejeune B, Marcout A, Kopp D, Morandeau F, Mehault S & Mouchet MA. (2023) Assessing discard consumption dynamic in shallow coastal environment using underwater video. Fisheries Research. In press
Mariton, L., I Le Viol, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou (2023) Characterising diel activity patterns to design conservation measures: Case study of European bat species. Biological Conservation 277, 109852
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2023) Identifying functionally distinctive and threatened species . Biological Conservation In press.
Princé, K., Calenge C., Giraud C., Julliard R. (2023). Exploitation de données opportunistes massives : application aux suivis de biodiversité. In: Statistiques, crowdsourcing et biodiversité (CNRS-Éditions).
Ricotta, C., Pierce, S., Dalle Fratte, M., Carboni, M., Cerabolini, B., Pavoine, S. (2023) Quantifying the extent of plant functional specialization using Grime’s CSR strategies. Ecological Indicators 148, 110066.
Ricotta, C., Podani, J., Schmera, D., Bacaro, G., Maccherini, S., Pavoine, S. (2023) The ternary diagram of functional diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 1168-1174.
Verniest, F., I Le Viol, R Julliard, L Dami, A Guelmami, M Suet, W Abdou, ... (2023) Anticipating the effects of climate warming and natural habitat conversion on waterbird communities to address protection gaps. Biological Conservation 279, 109939
Barbaro, L., Sourdril, A., Froidevaux, J. S., Cauchoix, M., Calatayud, F., Deconchat, M., & Gasc, A. (2022). Linking acoustic diversity to compositional and configurational heterogeneity in mosaic landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 37(4), 1125-1143.
Barnagaud, J.-Y., Mossion, R., Brockerhoff, E.G., Dufour, P., Pavoine, S., Deconchat, M., Barbaro, L. (2022) Trait-habitat associations explain novel bird assemblages mixing native and alien species across New-Zealand landscapes. Diversity and Distributions 28, 38-52.
Barré K., Froidevaux J., Leroux C., Mariton L., Fritze M., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Roemer C. 2022. Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: a call for action. Conservation Science and Practice.
Barré, K., Vernet, A., Azam, C., Le Viol, I., Dumont, A., Deana, T., Vincent, S., Challéat, S., Kerbiriou,C. (2022). Landscape composition drives the impacts of artificial light at night on insectivorous bats, Environmental Pollution, 292, 118394,
Bedessem, B, Torres, AC , Fontaine, C., Deguines, N. (2022) Science learning in biodiversity citizen science: Inputs from the analysis of online social interactions within a contributory project for pollinators' monitoring. Biological Conservation 276, 109807
Boyd, R. J., Powney, G. D., Burns, F., Danet, A., Duchenne, F., Grainger, M. J., ... & Pescott, O. L. (2022). ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk‐of‐bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Crochard, L., Romain Julliard, Sabrina Gaba, Vincent Bretagnolle, Mathilde Baude, Colin Fontaine, (2022) Weeds from non-flowering crops as potential contributors to oilseed rape pollination, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 336,
Doré, M., Willmott, K., Leroy, B., Chazot, N., Mallet, J., Freitas, A. V., ... & Elias, M. (2022). Anthropogenic pressures coincide with Neotropical biodiversity hotspots in a flagship butterfly group. Diversity and Distributions 28, 2912-2930.
Duchenne, F., Porcher, E., Mihoub, J. B., Loïs, G., & Fontaine, C. (2022). Controversy over the decline of arthropods: a matter of temporal baseline?. Peer Community Journal, 2. article no. e33. doi : 10.24072/pcjournal.131.
Evans, L. C., Melero, Y., Schmucki, R., Boersch‐Supan, P. H., Brotons, L., Fontaine, C., ... & Oliver, T. H. (2022). Bioclimatic context of species' populations determines community stability. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 1542-1555.
Froidevaux, J. S., Laforge, A., Larrieu, L., Barbaro, L., Park, K., Fialas, P. C., & Jones, G. (2022). Tree size, microhabitat diversity and landscape structure determine the value of isolated trees for bats in farmland. Biological Conservation, 267, 109476.
Laforge, A., Barbaro, L., Bas, Y., Calatayud, F., Ladet, S., Sirami, C., & Archaux, F. (2022). Road density and forest fragmentation shape bat communities in temperate mosaic landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 221, 104353.
Lejeune, B., Kopp, D., Mehault, S., & Mouchet, M. A. (2022). Assessing the diet and trophic level of marine fauna in a fishing ground subject to discarding activity using stable isotopes. PloS one, 17(6), e0268758.
Lejeune, B., Mouchet, M. A., Mehault, S., & Kopp, D. (2022). Gut content metabarcoding reveals potential importance of fisheries discards consumption in marine fauna. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 99(999), 1-10.
Leroux, C., Kerbiriou, C., Viol, I. Le, Valet, N., & Barré, K. (2022). Distance to hedgerows drives local repulsion and attraction of wind turbines on bats: Implications for spatial siting. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Mariton, L., Kerbiriou, C., Bas, Y., Zanda, B., & Le Viol, I. (2022). Even low light pollution levels affect the spatial distribution and timing of activity of a “light tolerant” bat species. Environmental Pollution, 305, 119267.
Marjakangas, Emma-Liina, Andrea Santangeli, Alison Johnston, Nicole Michel, Karine Princé, Aleksi Lehikoinen Effects of diversity on thermal niche variation in bird communities under climate change. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.21810. 〈10.1038/s41598-022-26248-1〉. 〈hal-04018523〉
Mérillet, l., Robert, M., Hernvann, P.-Y., Pecuchet, L., Pavoine, S., Mouchet, M., Primicerio, R., Kopp, D. (2022) Effects of life-history traits and network topological characteristics on the robustness of marine food web. Global Ecology and Conservation 34, e02048.
Newbury, A., Dawson, B., Klümper, U., Hesse, E., Castledine, M., Fontaine, C., Angus Buckling, Sanders, D. (2022). Fitness effects of plasmids shape the structure of bacteria–plasmid interaction networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), e2118361119.
Ouin, A., Andrieu, E., Vialatte, A., Balent, G., Barbaro, L., Blanco, J., ... & Sirami, C. (2022). Building a shared vision of the future for multifunctional agricultural landscapes. Lessons from a long term socio-ecological research site in south-western France. In Advances in Ecological Research (Vol. 65, pp. 57-106). Academic Press.
Parra, S. A., Thébault, E., Fontaine, C., & Dakos, V. (2022). Interaction fidelity is less common than expected in plant‐pollinator communities. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2022) Trade-offs in the conservation of phylogenetically distinctive species. Biological Conservation 270, 109565.
Pecquet, J., Mouchet, M., Campagne, S., Raybaud, V., Baulaz, Y., Gevaert, F., & Ben Rais Lasram, F. (2022). Combining Ecological Niche Models and ecosystem services indicators to assess impacts of climate change on kelp: application to French coasts. Ecosystems and People, 18(1), 358-377.
Renault, D., Hess, M. C., Braschi, J., Cuthbert, R. N., Sperandii, M. G., Bazzichetto, M., ... & Massol, F. (2022). Advancing biological invasion hypothesis testing using functional diversity indices. Science of the Total Environment, 155102.
Ricotta, C., Bacaro, G., Maccherini, S., Pavoine, S. (2022) Functional imbalance not functional evenness is the third component of community structure. Ecological Indicators. 140, 109035.
Ricotta, C., Pavoine, S. (2022) A new parametric measure of functional dissimilarity: bridging the gap between the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and the Euclidean distance. Ecological Modelling 466, 109880.
Royaux C, Norvez O, Jossé M, Arnaud E, Sananikone J, Pavoine S, Pelletier D, Mihoub J-B, Le Bras Y (2022) From Biodiversity Observation Networks to Datasets and Workflows Supporting Biodiversity Indicators, a French Biodiversity Observation Network (BON) Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) Operationalization Pilot using Galaxy and Ecological Metadata Language. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6: e94957.
Sordello, R., Busson, S., Cornuau, J. H., Deverchère, P., Faure, B., Guetté, A., ... & Vauclair, S. (2022). Considering light pollution in ecological networks: a plea for a worldwide development of dark infrastructures for biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 219, 104332.
Thévenin, C., Mouchet, M., Robert, A., Kerbiriou, C., & Sarrazin, F. (2022). Functional representativeness and distinctiveness of reintroduced birds and mammals in Europe. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-9.
Thibault M., Allonso-Aller E., Poisson P., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I. 2022. Reading the heterogeneity and spatial structuring of benthic habitats in macrophyte wracks. Ecological Indicators, 142, 109279.
Torres, A. C., Bedessem, B., Deguines, N., & Fontaine, C. (2022). Online data sharing with virtual social interactions favor scientific and educational successes in a biodiversity citizen science project. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1-19.
Valdés‐Correcher, E., Popova, A., Galmán, A., Prinzing, A., Selikhovkin, A. V., Howe, A. G., ... & Castagneyrol, B. (2022). Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild. Ecology and evolution, 12(3), e8709.
Van der Meersch, V., Billaud, O., San Cristobal, M., Vialatte, A., & Porcher, E. (2022). Landscape floral resources provided by rapeseed correlate with next-year reproduction of cavity-nesting pollinators in a national participatory monitoring program. Landscape Ecology, 37(2), 551-565.
Verniest F., Galewski T, Guelmani A., Julliard R., Le Viol I. 2022. Coupling future climate and land-use projections reveals where to strengthen the protection of Mediterranean Key Biodiversity Areas. Conservation Science and Practice.
Andrade C, A Villers, G Balent, A Bar-Hen, J Chadoeuf, D Cylly, D Cluzeau, G Fried, S Guillocheau, O Pillon, E Porcher, J tressous, O Yamada, N Lenne, J Jullien and P Monestiez. (2021). A real-world implementation of a nationwide, long-term monitoring program to assess the impact of agrochemicals and agricultural practices on biodiversity. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 3771-3793.
Barbaro L., Assandri G., Brambilla M., Castagneyrol B., Froidevaux J.S.P., Giffard B., Pithon J., Puig-Montserrat X., Torre I., Calatayud F., Gaüzère P., Guenser J., Macià-Valverde F.X., Mary S., Raison L., Sirami C., Rusch A. 2021 Organic management and landscape heterogeneity combine to sustain multifunctional bird communities in European vineyards. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58, 1261-1271. https://doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13885
Barré K., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Ing K.I., Azam C., Spoelstra K, Le Viol I. (2021). Bats seek refuge in cluttered environment when exposed to white and red lights at night. Movement ecology 9, 3.
Barré, K., Spoelstra, K., Bas, Y., Challéat, S., Ing, R. K., Azam, C., Zissis, G., Lapostolle, D., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I. (2021). Artificial light may change flight patterns of bats near bridges along urban waterways. Animal Conservation 24, 259-26.
Billaud, O., Vermeersch, R.L., Porcher, E. (2021). Citizen science involving farmers as a means to document temporal trends in farmland biodiversity and relate them to agricultural practices. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(2), 261-273.
Bimonte, S., Billaud, O., Fontaine, B., Martin, T., Flouvat, F., Hassan, A., Rouillier, N., Sautot, L. (2021) Collect and analysis of agro-biodiversity data in a participative context: A business intelligence framework. Ecological Informatics 61, 101231.
Blary, C., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., Barré, K. (2021) Assessing the importance of field margins for bat species and communities in intensive agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 319, 107494.
Bonnaffé, W., Danet, A., Legendre, S. and Edeline, E. (2021),
Comparison of size-structured and species-level trophic networks reveals antagonistic effects of temperature on vertical trophic diversity at the population and species level.
Oikos 130, 1297-1309.
Challéat, S. Barré K. Laforge A., Lapostolle D., Franchomme M., Sirami C., Le Viol I., Milian J., Kerbiriou C. 2021. Grasping darkness: the dark ecological network as a social-ecological framework to limit the impacts of light pollution on biodiversity., Ecology and Society 26(1):15.
Danet, A., Mouchet, M., Bonnaffé, W., Thébault, E.& Fontaine, C. (2021) Species richness and food-web structure jointly drive community biomass and its temporal stability in fish communities. Ecology Letters, 24, 2364-2377.
Deregnaucourt, I., Bardin, J., Anderson, J. M., & Bethoux, O. (2021). The wing venation of a new fossil species, reconstructed using geometric morphometrics, adds to the rare fossil record of Triassic Gondwanian Odonata. Arthropod Structure & Development, 63, 101056.
Doré, M., Fontaine, C., & Thébault, E. (2021). Relative effects of anthropogenic pressures, climate, and sampling design on the structure of pollination networks at the global scale. Global Change Biology 27, 1266-1280.
Dubos N., Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F., Barbaro L., Barré K., Claireau F., Froidevaux J., Le Viol I., Lorrillière R., Roemer C., Verfaillie F., Bas Y. (2021). Going beyond species richness and abundance: robustness of community specialisation measures in short acoustic surveys. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30, 343–363.
Duchenne, F., Martin, G., Porcher, E. (2021) European plants lagging behind climate change pay a climatic debt in the North, but are favoured in the South. Ecology Letters, 24, 1178-1186.
Duchenne F, Fontaine, C, Teulière, E, Thébault, E. (2021) Phenological traits foster persistence of mutualistic networks by promoting facilitation. Ecology Letters, 24, 2088-2099.
Dupaix A, Mérillet L, Kopp D, Mouchet MA & Robert M (2021) Using biological traits to get insights into the benthodemersal community sensitivity to trawling in the Celtic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science (IF=3,19), 78(3): 1063-1073 .
Fanini L. Pliscart C., Pranzini E., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Pétillon J. 2021. The extended concept of Littoral Active Zone considering soft sediment shores as social-ecological systems, an application to Brittany (North-Western France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 250, 107148.
Fontaine, C., Fontaine, B., & Prévot, A. C. (2021). Do amateurs and citizen science fill the gaps left by scientists?. Current Opinion in Insect Science 46, 83-87.
Froidevaux J.S.P., Barbaro L., Vinet O., Larrieu L., Bas Y., Molina J., Calatayud F., Brin A. 2021 Bat responses to changes in forest composition and prey abundance depend on landscape matrix and stand structure. Scientific Reports, 11, 10586.
Giavi, S., Fontaine, C., & Knop, E. (2021). Impact of artificial light at night on diurnal plant-pollinator interactions. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-5.
Laforge A., Archaux F., Coulon A., Sirami C., Froidevaux J., Gouix N., Ladet S., Martin H., Barré K., Roemer C., Claireau F., Kerbiriou C., Barbaro L. 2021 Landscape composition and life-history traits influence bat movement and space use: analysis of 30 years of published telemetry data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:2442–2454.
Lorel C. Le Viol I.,Plutzar C. Jiguet F., Mouchet M. 2021. Linking the diversity and structure of French avian communities with landscape parameters, climate and NPP flows. Regional Environmental Change, 21 (2): 1-14.
Merillet, L., Pavoine, S., Kopp, D., Robert, M., Mouchet, M. (2021) Biomass of slow life history species increases as local bottom trawl effort decreases in the Celtic Sea. Journal of Environmental Management 290: 112634.
Millon, L., Barré, K., Julliard, R., Compère, P., & Kerbiriou, C. (2021). Calculation of biodiversity level between different land-uses to improve conservation outcomes of biodiversity offsetting. Land Use Policy, 101, 105161.
Pauwels, J., Le Viol, I., Bas, Y., Valet, N., Kerbiriou, C. (2021) Adapting street lighting to limit light pollution’s impacts on bats. Global ecology and conservation, 28, e01648.
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2021) On the relationships between rarity, uniqueness, distinctiveness, originality and functional/phylogenetic diversity. Biological Conservation. 263, 109356.
Princé, K., P. Rouveyrol, V. Pellissier, J. Touroult, and F. Jiguet. (2021) Long-term effectiveness of Natura 2000 network to protect biodiversity: a hint of optimism for common birds. Biological Conservation. 253, 108871.
Prinzing, A., Pavoine, S., Jactel, H., Hortal, J., Hennekens, S., Ozinga, W., Bartish, I., Helmus, M., Kühn, I., Moen, D.S, Weiher, E., Braendle, M., Winter, M., Violle, C., Venail, P., Purschke, O., Yguel, B. (2021) Disturbed habitats locally reduce the signal of deep evolutionary history in functional traits of plants. New Phytologist 232, 1849-1862.
Popoff, N. et al. (2021) Gap analysis of the Ramsar site network at 50: over 150 important Mediterranean sites for wintering waterbirds omitted. Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 3067–3085
Raatikainen KJ, Purhonen J, Pohjanmies T, Peura M, Nieminen E, Mustajärvi L, Helle I, … Froidevaux JSP,… J Ziemacki. (2021) Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers. Conservation Science and Practice, 3, e493. doi: 10.1002/csp2.493
Ricotta, C., Kosman, E., Caccianiga, M., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Pavoine, S. (2021) On two dissimilarity-based measures of functional beta diversity. Ecological Informatics 66, 101458.
Ricotta, C., Kosman, E., Laroche, F., Pavoine, S. (2021) Beta redundancy for functional ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1062-1069.
Ricotta, C., Pavoine, S., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Pillar, V.D. (2021) A new method for indicator species analysis in the framework of multivariate analysis of variance. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, e13013.
Robuchon, M., Pavoine, S., Véron, S., Delli, G., Faith, D.P., Mandrici, A., Pellens, R., Dubois, G., Leroy, B. (2021) Revisiting species and areas of interest for conserving global mammalian phylogenetic diversity. Nature communications 12, 3694.
Roemer, C., Aurélie Coulon, Thierry Disca, Yves Bas (2021) Influence of local landscape and time of year on bat-road collision risks. Peer Community Journal, 1: e54
Rome, Q., Perrard, A., Muller, F., Fontaine, C., Quilès, A., Zuccon, D., Villemant, C. (2021) Not just honeybees: predatory habits of Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in France. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (NS), Taylor & Francis, In press.
Swan, C.M., Brown, B., Borowy, D., Cavender-Bares, J., Jeliazkov, A., Knapp, S., Lososová, Z., Padullés Cubino, J., Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C., Sol, D. (2021) A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems. Ecosphere 12, e03650.
Valdés-Correcher E., Moreira X., Augusto L., Barbaro L., Bouget C., Bouriaud O., Branco M. et al. (2021). Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 651-665.
Véron S, Kondratyeva A, Robuchon M, Grandcolas P, Govaerts R, Haevermans T, Pellens R & Mouchet MA (2021) High evolutionary and functional distinctiveness of endemic monocots in world islands. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 3697–3715.
Ampoorter E., Barbaro L., Jactel H., Baeten L., Boberg J., Carnol M., Castagneyrol B. et al. (2020). Tree diversity is key for promoting the diversity and abundance of forest-associated taxa in Europe. Oikos, 129(2): 133-146.
Castagneyrol B., Valdés-Correcher E., Bourdin A., Barbaro L., Bouriaud O., Branco M. et al. 2020 Can school children support ecological research? Lessons from the ‘Oak bodyguard’ citizen science project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5: 10, 1-11.
Cazalis, V., Princé K., Mihoub J.-B., Kelly J., Butchart S. H.M. , Rodrigues A. S.L. 2020. Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving tropical forest birds. Nature Communications, 11: 4461.
Danet, A., F.D. Schneider, F. Anthelme, S. Kéfi. Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands. Theoretical Ecology. 10.1007/s12080-020-00489-0
Deguines, N., K. Princé, A.-C. Prévot, and B. Fontaine. 2020. Assessing the emergence of pro-biodiversity practices in citizen scientists of a backyard butterfly survey. Science of the Total Environment, 716:136842.
Duchenne, F., Thébault, E., Michez, D., Elias, M., Drake, M., Persson, M., ... & Fontaine, C. (2020). Phenological shifts alter the seasonal structure of pollinator assemblages in Europe. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(1), 115-121.
Duchenne, F. ,Thébault, E., Michez,D. , Gérard, M., Devaux, C., Rasmont, P., Vereecken, N. J., Fontaine, C. (2020). Long‐term effects of global change on occupancy and flight period of wild bees in Belgium. Global Change Biology, 6753-6766.
Ducrettet, M., P.-M. Forget, J. S. Ulloa, B. Yguel, P. Gaucher, K. Princé, S. Haupert , and J. Sueur. 2020. Monitoring canopy bird activity in disturbed landscapes with automatic recorders: a case study in the tropics. Biological Conservation, 108574.
Gaget, E., Galewski, T., Jiguet, F., Guelmami, A., Perennou, C., Beltrame, C., & Le Viol, I. (2020). Antagonistic effect of natural habitat conversion on community adjustment to climate warming in nonbreeding waterbirds. Conservation Biology 34, 966-976.
Gaget, E., Le Viol, I., Pavón-Jordán, D., Cazalis, V., Kerbiriou, C., Jiguet, F., Popoff, N., Dami, L., Mondain-Monval, J.Y., Defos du Rau, P., WAI Abdou, Bozic, L., Dakki, M., Encarnação, V.M.F., Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Etayeb, K.S., Molina, B., Petkov, N., Uzunova, D., Zenatello,M., Galewski, T. (2020) Assessing the effectiveness of the Ramsar Convention in preserving wintering waterbirds in the Mediterranean. Biological Conservation 243, 108485.
Gaüzère P., Barbaro L., Calatayud F., Princé K., Devictor V., Raison L., Sirami C., Balent G. (2020). Long-term effects of combined land-use and climate changes on local bird communities in mosaic agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 289:106722.
Jeliazkov, A., Mijatovic, D., Chantepie, S., Arlettaz, R., Andrew, N., Barbaro, L., ..., Pavoine, S., ..., Chase J. (2020) A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data, 7(6).
Kerbiriou, C., Barré, K., Mariton, L., Pauwels, J., Zissis, G., Robert, A., Le Viol, I. (2020). Switching LPS to LED Streetlight May Dramatically Reduce Activity and Foraging of Bats. Diversity, 12(4), 165.
Kondratyeva, A., Knapp, S., Durka, W., Kühn, I., Vallet, J., Machon, N., Martin, G., Motard, E., Grandcolas, P., Pavoine, S. (2020) Urbanization effects on biodiversity revealed by a two-scale analysis of species functional uniqueness versus redundancy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 73. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00073.
Llopis-Belenguer, C., Pavoine, S., Blasco-Costa, I., Balbuena, J. A. (2020). Assembly rules of helminth parasite communities in grey mullets: combining components of diversity. International Journal for Parasitology, 50, 1089-1098.
Mérillet, L., Kopp, D., Robert, M., Mouchet, M., Pavoine, S. (2020) Environment outweighs the effects of fishing in regulating demersal community structure in an exploited marine ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 26, 2106-2119.
Olivier, T, E Thébault, M Elias, B Fontaine, C Fontaine (2020) Urbanization and agricultural intensification destabilize animal communities differently than diversity loss. Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-9.
Pavoine, S. (2020) adiv: an R package to analyse biodiversity in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 487-493.
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Ricotta, C., Laroche, F., Szeidl, L., Pavoine, S. (2020) From alpha to beta functional and phylogenetic redundancy. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11, 487-493.
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Saito, V.S., Siqueira, T., Bini, L.M., Costa-Pereira, R., Pereira Santos, E., Pavoine, S. (2020). Comparing taxon- and trait-environment relationships in stream communities. Ecological Indicators, 117, 106625.
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Sol, D., Trisos, C., Murria, C., Jeliazkov, A., González-Lagos, C., Pigot, A., Ricotta, C., Swan, C., Tobias, J., Pavoine, S. (2020). The worldwide impact of urbanisation on avian functional diversity. Ecology Letters 23, 962-972.
Vincent, F., Bertolo, A., Lacroix, G., Mouchet, M., Edeline, E. (2020). Trait‐dependency of trophic interactions in zooplankton food webs. Oikos. 129, 891-902.
Barbaro L., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Castagneyrol B., Charbonnier Y., De Wandeler H., Kerbiriou C., Milligan H.T., Vialatte A., Carnol M., Deconchat M., De Smedt P., Jactel H., Koricheva J., Le Viol I., Muys B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., van der Plas F. (2019) Biotic predictors complement models of bat and bird responses to climate and tree diversity in European forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286, 20182193.
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Barré K., Le Viol I., Julliard R., Pauwels J., Newson S.E., Julien J.F., Claireau F., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y. (2019). Accounting for automated identification errors in acoustic surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10, 1171-1188.
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Dubos N., Dehorter O., Henry P-Y., Le Viol I. (2019) Thermal constraints on body size depend on the population position within the species’ thermal range in temperate songbirds. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28, 96-106.
Jiguet, F., Sunnen, L., Prévot, A.-C., Princé, K. (2019) Urban pigeons loosing toes due to human activities. Biological Conservation, 240, 108241.
Kéfi, S., Domínguez‐García, V., Donohue, I., Fontaine, C., Thébault, E., Dakos, V. (2019). Advancing our understanding of ecological stability. Ecology letters, 22, 1349-1356.
Kerbiriou, C., Bas, Y., Le Viol, I., Lorrilliere, R., Mougnot, J., Julien, J.-F. (2019). Potentiality of the bat pass duration measure for studies dealing with bat activity. Bioacoustic 28, 177-192.
Kerbiriou, C., Bas, Y., Le Viol, I., Lorrilliere, R., Mougnot, J., Julien, J.-F. (2019). Bat pass duration measurement: An indirect measure of distance of detection. Diversity, 11 (3), 47.
Kondratyeva, A., Grandcolas, P., Pavoine, S. (2019). Reconciling the concepts and measures of diversity, rarity and originality in ecology and evolution. Biological Reviews 94:1317-1337 (Open Access).
Laforge, A., Archaux, F., Bas, Y., Gouix, N., Calatayud, F., Latgé, T., Barbaro, L. (2019) Landscape context matters for attractiveness and effective use of road underpasses by bats. Biological Conservation, 237: 409–422. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.07.023
Lefebvre, V., Daugeron, C., Villemant, C., Fontaine, C. (2019). Empidine dance flies pollinate the woodland geranium as effectively as bees. Biology Letters 15 (7), 20190230.
Lorel C, Plutzar C, Erb KE & Mouchet MA (2019) Linking the human appropriation of net primary productivity-based indicators, input cost and high nature value to the dimensions of land-use intensity across French agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment, 283: 106565.
Martin, G., Devictor, V., Motard, E., Machon, N., & Porcher, E. (2019). Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities. Biology letters, 15(7), 20190280.
Martin, G., Fontaine, C., Accatino, F., Porcher, E. (2019) New indices for rapid assessment of pollination services based on crop yield data: France as a case study. Ecological Indicators 101, 355-363.
Mouchet MA, Poirson M, Morandeau F, Vogel C, Méhault S & Kopp D (2019) Using a trait-based approach to understand the efficiency of a selective device in a multispecific fishery. Scientific Reports, 9: 12489.
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Pauwels J., Le Viol I., Azam C., Valet N., Julien J.F., Lemarchand C., Bas Y., Sanchez de Miguel A., Kerbiriou C. (2019) Accounting for artificial light impact on bat activity for a biodiversity-friendly urban planning. Landscape and Urban planning 183, 12-25.
Pavoine S (2019) An ordination approach to explore similarities among communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology 462, 85-96.
Pavoine S, Bonsall MB, Davies TJ, Masi S (2019) Mammal extinctions and the increasing isolation of humans on the tree of life. Ecology and Evolution 9, 914-924 (Open Access). (previous version in BioRxiv preprint,
Pavoine S, Ricotta C (2019) A simple translation from indices of species diversity to indices of phylogenetic diversity. Ecological Indicators 101, 552-561.
Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2019) Measuring functional dissimilarity among plots: adapting old methods to new questions. Ecological Indicators. 97, 67-72.
Pedley, S.M., Barbaro, L., Guilherme, J.L., Irwin, S., O’Halloran, J., Proença, V.M., Sullivan, M.J.P. (2019) Functional shifts in bird communities from semi-natural oak forests to conifer plantations are not consistent across Europe. PLoS ONE, 14(7): e0220155.
Podani J, Pavoine S, Ricotta C (2019) A generalized framework for analyzing taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional community structure based on presence-absence data. Mathematics (Special Issue on New Paradigms and Trends in Quantitative Ecology) 6, 250 (Open Access).
Ricotta, C., Acosta, A., Bacaro, G., Carboni, M., Chiarucci, A., Rocchini, D., Pavoine, S. (2019) Rarefaction of beta diversity. Ecological Indicators, 107(105606).
Robuchon, M., Faith, D.P., Julliard, R., Leroy, B., Pellens, R., Robert, A., Thévenin, C., Véron, S., Pavoine, S. (2019) Species splitting increases estimates of evolutionary history at risk. Biological Conservation 235: 27-35 (Open Access).
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Veron, S., Haevermans, T., Govaerts, R., Mouchet, M., Pellens, R. (2019) Distribution and relative age of endemism across islands worldwide. Scientific Reports, 9, 11693.
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Azam C., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Zissis G., Vernet A., Julien J.F., Kerbiriou C. (2018). Evidence for distance and illuminance thresholds in the effects of artificial lighting on bat activity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 175:123-135.
Barré K., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C. (2018). Estimating habitat loss due to wind turbine avoidance by bats: implications for European siting guidance. Biological Conservation, 226:205-214.
Barré, K., Le Viol, I., Chiron, F., Julliard, R., Kerbiriou, C. (2018). Tillage and herbicide reduction mitigate the gap between conventional and organic farming effects on insectivorous bats. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 1496-1506. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3688
Barré, K., Le Viol, I., Julliard, R., Kerbiriou, C. (2018). Weed control method drives conservation tillage efficiency on farmland breeding birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256, 74-81.
Deguines, N., de Flores, M., Loïs, G., Julliard, R., Fontaine, C. (2018). Fostering close encounters of the entomological kind. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16, 202-203.
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Dubos, N., Le Viol, I., Robert, A., Teplitsky, C., Dehorter, O., Ghislain, M., Julliard, R., Henry, P.-Y. (2018). Body size response to climate and Net primary production: testing the predictive power of simple environmental proxies in temperate songbirds. Ecography. In press. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03413
Dubs, F., Vergnes, A., Mirlicourtois, E., Le Viol, I., Kerbiriou, C., Goulnik, J., Belghali, S., Bentze, L., Barot, S., Porcher, E. (2018). Positive effects of wheat variety mixtures on aboveground arthropods are weak and variable. Basic and Applied Ecology 33, 66-78.
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Gaget, E., Galewski, T., Jiguet, F., Le Viol, I. (2018). Waterbird communities adjust to climate warming according to conservation policy and species protection status. Biological Conservation, 227, 205-212.
Faith, D., Veron, S., Pavoine, S., Pellens, R. (2018). Indicators for the Expected Loss of Phylogenetic Diversity. In: (R Scherson and DP Faith eds.) Phylogenetic Diversity. Applications and Challenges in Biodiversity Science. Springer.pp. 73-91.
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Herzon, I., Marja, R., Le Viol, I., Menshikova, S., Kondratiev, A. (2018). Applying trait-based community metrics of relevance to conservation for understanding community patterns of farmland birds in Northwest Russia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 259, 53-60.
Knop, E., Gerpe, C., Ryser, R., Hofmann, F., Menz, M. H., Trösch, S., Ursenbacher, S., Zollen, L. & Fontaine, C. (2018). Rush hours in flower visitors over a day-night cycle. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11, 267-275.
Kopp, D., Morandeau, F., Mouchet, M., Vogel, C., & Méhault, S. (2018). What can be expected of a T90 extension piece to improve selectivity in bottom trawl multispecific fisheries in the Bay of Biscay? Fisheries Science, 1-8.
Lefebvre, V., Villemant, C., Fontaine, C., Daugeron, C. (2018). Altitudinal, temporal and trophic partitioning of flower-visitors in Alpine communities. Scientific reports, 8, 4706.
Merillet, L., Kopp, D., Robert, M., Salaun, M., Mehault, S., Bourillet, J.-F., Mouchet, M. (2018). Are trawl marks a good indicator of trawling pressure in muddy sand fishing grounds? Ecological Indicators, 85, 570-574 .
Merillet, L., Mehault, S., Rimaud, T., Piton, C., Morandeau, F., Morfin, M., Kopp, D. (2018). Survivability of discarded Norway lobster in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay . Fisheries Research, 198, 24-30 .
Merillet, L., Mouchet, M., Robert, M., Salaun, M., Schuck, L., Vaz, S., Kopp, D. (2018) Using underwater video to assess megabenthic community vulnerability to trawling in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay). Environmental Conservation, 45, 163-172.
Mérillet, L., Robert, M., Salaün, M., Schuck, L., Mouchet, M., Kopp, D. (2018) Underwater video offers new insights into community structure in the Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay). Journal of Sea Research, 139, 1–9. DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2018.05.010
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Ricotta, C., Bacaro, G., Caccianiga, M., Cerabolini, B., Pavoine, S. (2018). A new method for quantifying the phylogenetic redundancy of biological communities. Oecologia, 186, 339-346.
Saito, V., Laroche, F., Siquiera, T., Pavoine, S. (2018). Ecological versatility and the assembly of multiple competitors: cautionary notes for assembly inferences. Ecology, 99, 1073-1083.
Thévenin, C., Mouchet, M., Robert, A., Kerbiriou, C., Sarrazin, F. (2018). Reintroductions of birds and mammals involve evolutionarily distinct species at the regional scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, In press.
Thioulouse, J., Dray, S., Dufour, A.-B., Siberchicot, A., Jombart, J., Pavoine, S. (2018) Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data with ade4. Springer. 340 pages.
Veron, S., Faith, D., Pellens, R., Pavoine, S. (2018) Priority Areas for phylogenetic diversity: maximizing gains in the Mediterranean basin. In: (R Scherson and DP Faith eds.) Phylogenetic Diversity. Applications and Challenges in Biodiversity Science. Springer. pp. 145-166.
Veron, S., Fontaine, C., Dubos, N., Clergeau, P., Pavoine, S. (2018). Predicting the impacts of co-extinctions on phylogenetic diversity in mutualistic networks. Biological Conservation, 219, 161-171.
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Escalas, A., Troussellier, M., Yuan, T., Bouvier, T., Bouvier, C., Mouchet, M.A., Flores Hernandez, D., Ramos Miranda, J., Zhou, J & Mouillot, D (2017) Functional diversity and redundancy across fish gut, sediment, and water bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology (IF = 5.39), 19(8): 3268-3282.
Geslin, B., Gauzens, B., Baude, M., Dajoz, I., Fontaine, C., Henry, M., Ropars, L., Rollin, O., Thébault, E. & Vereecken, N. J. (2017). Chapter Four-Massively Introduced Managed Species and Their Consequences for Plant-Pollinator Interactions. Advances in Ecological Research, 57, 147-199.
Kamenova, S., Bartley, T.J., Bohan, D.A., Boutain, J.R., Colautti, R.I., Domaizon, I., Fontaine, C., Lemainque, A., Le Viol, I., Mollot, G., Perga, M.-E., Ravigné, V., Massol, F. (2017). Chapter Three-Invasions Toolkit: Current Methods for Tracking the Spread and Impact of Invasive Species. Advances in Ecological Research, 56, 85-182.
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Mouchet, M.A., Paracchini, M.L., Schulp, C.J.E., Stürck, J., Verkerk, P.J., Verburg, P.H., Lavorel, S. (2017) Bundles of ecosystem (dis)services and multifunctionality across European landscapes. Ecological Indicators, 73, 23-28.
Mouchet, M.A., Rega, C., Lasseur, R., Georges, D., Paracchini, M.L., Renaud, J., Stürck, J., Schulp, C.J.E., Verburg, P.H., Verkerk, P.J., Lavorel, S. (2017). Ecosystem service supply by European landscapes under alternative land use and environmental policies. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13, 342-354.
Pavoine, S., Bonsall, M.B., Davies, T.J., Masi, S. (2017). Mammal extinctions and the increasing isolation of humans on the tree of life. BioRxiv preprint (
Pavoine, S., Bonsall, M.B., Dupaix, A., Jacob, U., Ricotta, C. (2017). From phylogenetic to functional originality: guide through indices and new developments. Ecological Indicators, 82, 196-205.
Pellissier, V., Mimet, A., Fontaine, C., Svenning, J.C., Couvet, D. (2017). Relative importance of the land‐use composition and intensity for the bird community composition in anthropogenic landscapes. Ecology and evolution, 7(24), 10513-10535.
Ponge, J.-F., Zuccon, D., Elias, M., Pavoine, S., Henry, P.-Y., Théry, M., Guilbert, E. (2017). Ancestrality and evolution of trait syndromes in finches (Fringillidae). Ecology and Evolution, 7, 9935-9953.
Robert, A., Fontaine, C., Veron, S., Monnet, A. C., Legrand, M., Clavel, J., Chantepie, S., Couvet, D., Ducarme, F., Fontaine, B., Jiguet, F., Le Viol, I., Rolland, J., Sarrazin, F., Téplisky, C., Mouchet, M. (2017). Fixism and conservation science. Conservation Biology, 31, 781-788.
Sarthou, C., Pavoine, S., Gasc, J.-P., de Massary, J.-C., Ponge, J.-F. (2017). From inselberg to inselberg: floristic patterns across scales in French Guiana (South America). Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 229, 147-158.
Sol, D., Bartomeus, I., González-Lagos, C., Pavoine, S. (2017). Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds. Ecology Letters, 20, 721-729. [Highlighted in Nature - 28 April 2017]
Spake, R., Lasseur, R., Crouzat, E., Bullock, J.M., Lavorel, S., Parks, K.E., Schaafsma, M., Bennett, E.M., Maes, J., Mulligan, M., Mouchet, M.A., Peterson Garry, D., Schulp, C.J.E., Thuiller, W., Turner, M.G., Verburg, P.H., Eigenbrod, F. (2017). Unpacking ecosystem service bundles: towards predictive mapping of synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, 47, 37-50.
Thébault, E., Sauve, A., Fontaine, C. (2017). Merging Antagonistic and Mutualistic Bipartite Webs: A First Step to Integrate Interaction Diversity into Network Approaches. In J. Moore, P. De Ruiter, K. McCann, & V. Wolters (Eds.), Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems (pp. 62-72). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316871867.007
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Tucker, C.M., Cadotte, M.W., Carvalho, S.B., Davies, J., Ferrier, S., Fritz, S.A., Grenyer, R., Helmus, M.R., Jin, L.S., Mooers, A.O., Pavoine, S., Purschke, O., Redding, D.W., Rosauer, D.F., Winter, M., Mazel, F. (2017) A guide to phylogenetic metrics for conservation, community ecology and macroecology. Biological Reviews, 92, 698-715.
Veron, S., Davies, T.J., Cadotte, M.W., Clergeau, P., Pavoine, S. (2017) Predicting loss of evolutionary history: where are we? Biological Reviews, 92, 271-291.
Villéger, S., Brosse, S., Mouchet, M.A., Mouillot, D., Vanni, M.J. (2017) Functional ecology of fish: current approaches and future challenges. Aquatic Sciences, 79, 783-801.