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Postdoc in ecology. Seaweeds on the beach (MNHN, CESCO, Concarneau).


Applications are invited for a 12 months (possibly 18 months) postdoc position conducting ecological analyses. The postdoc will join the project team of Plages vivantes ( and will collaborate closely with partners (stakeholders, citizens…)

Monitoring, understanding and accompanying the impact of global changes on coastal marine biodiversity and shorelines are crucial for the conservation of biodiversity. Beach wrack – seaweed deposition- has important roles for conservation (rare, vulnerable species of beaches) and coastal ecosystem functions (trophic, erosion mitigation). Their composition and their quantity are expected to change under global warming and eutrophication, seaweed exploitation. And these composition changes are likely to result in changes in beach wrack management. We hypothesized that surveying strand line (beach wrack) could i) inform on spatial and temporal changes of proximal marine ecosystems (seaweed biomass, community composition) and ii) allow to better understand the impact of global changes on (socio)-ecosystem relationships (sand beaches). We co-construct a citizen monitoring program of beach wrack ecosystem (Plages Vivantes, Chanel-Atlantic French coast) in collaboration with stakeholders (NGOs) and built an interdisciplinary research team. One next step is to analyse the standardized data collected at large scale (>200 sites) using a functional approach (species characteristics, community approach..) and develop complementary surveys. The aims are i) to study the spatial and temporal variability of seaweed composition of beach wrack and assess its determinants, to document and hierarchize the effects of anthropogenic and climatic drivers on beach wrack composition, ii) to assess to what extend and in what conditions the monitoring of beach wrack could produce relevant indicators of marine proximal ecosystems, and hence  iii) test the sensitivity of these indicators to various pressures (water quality…).


We are seeking highly motivated applicants, interested in the causes and consequences of biodiversity change, community ecology, biodiversity conservation and citizen science (involvement with volunteers participating)


Salary will depend on diplomas and experience (~2000 euros net/month).


Applicants should have a PhD in ecology

- Skills and taste for statistical analyzes (GLMM, under R), ecological modeling, skills in Geographic Information Systems.

-  Taste and experience in field ecology would be appreciated.

- Proficiency in scientific English and French


The position will be based at the CESCO-UMR 7204, (, of the National Museum of Natural History, in the marine station of Concarneau ( ).

Please send your application by email (as a single PDF “Candidature_ALAMER_Nom_prénom" by email) to and ) before 28 April 2021. Applications should include a CV, with publications list and other scientific works, as well as a letter of interest. Names and addresses of two references would be appreciated.

© 2018 by Sandrine Pavoine

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